【International Journal of Automation Computing】是什么級別的刊物?

International Journal of Automation Computing由【中國科學(xué)院自動化所】主辦,【中國科學(xué)院】主管的期刊,創(chuàng)立于【2004】年,屬于【SCI核心期刊】。

前往《International Journal of Automation Computing》首頁

International Journal of Automation Computing簡介

《International Journal of Automation & Computing》《國際自動化與計算雜志(英文版)》(雙月刊)郵發(fā)代碼:80-479,創(chuàng)刊于2004年,由中國科學(xué)院自動化所主辦的學(xué)術(shù)性刊物。

The Journal publishes papers on original theoretical and experimental research and development in automation and computing. ?The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include; artificial intelligence, automatic control, bioinformatics, computer ;sciene, information technology, modeling and simulation, networks and communications, optimization and decision, pattern recognition,robotics, signal processing, and systems engineering.

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